Friday 2nd February 2024 W.Bro. Larry Jones was installed into the chair of King Solomon assisted by the retiring W.M. and the assistant PGM.

From Left to right W.Bro. Stuart C. Smith, W.Bro. Larry A. Jones and W.Bro. David J. Shakeshaft Asst. PGM.


W.Bro. Larry A. Jones Master
W.Bro. Stuart C. Smith I.P.M
W.Bro David L. Allen, P.A.G.D.C., P.Prov. S.G.W S.W.
W.Bro. Timothy M.H. Boyns Prov. G.Chaplain
P.Prov. G.Chaplain (Yorkshire, North & East Riding) J.W.
W.Bro. GW. James P.Prov. J.G.W.© Chaplain
W.Bro. David K. Purser P.Prov. G.Swd.B. Treasurer
W.Bro. Steven B. Jones P.Prov. G. Supt.Wks. Secretary
W.Bro. David K. Purser P.Prov. G.Swd.B. D.C.
W.Bro. David L.Allen, P.A.G.D.C., P.Prov. S.G.W. Almoner
W.Bro. Stephen W. Fowler P.Prov. J.G.W. Charity Stwd.
W.Bro. Ron H. Nipper P.Prov. J.G.W. Lodge Mentor
W.Bro. John F. Troman P.Prov. G.Swd.B. S.D.
W.Bro. A.R. Hinton P.Prov. J.G.W.© J.D.
W.Bro. R.W. Wheale P.Prov. J.G.W. A.D.C.
W.Bro. Ron H. Nipper P.Prov. J.G.W Asst. Sec.
Bro. Jeffrey C. Maher I.G.
W.Bro. Joe Farndon P.Prov.J.G.W.  Senior Steward
W.Bro. M.A. Summers P. Prov. G.Swd.B. Steward
W.Bro. J. Webb P.Prov. G.Reg. Steward
W.Bro. Bill Gwillym P.Prov. G. Supt.Wks. Tyler
W.Bro. Mark J. Fleming P.Prov J.G.W. Guest Organist
W.Bro. M.A. Summers P. Prov.J.G.D. Preceptor

Brethren not in office:

W.Bro. J. Farndon, W.Bro. R.B. Cook, W.Bro. V. Odell, Bro. I. Halford, Bro. P. Curley and Bro. D. Joshi.